Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 memories

yeah, doesn't feel this leg stepping in last day in 2011. New year in 2011 seems just like yesterday but now it's December 31st 2011 and tomorrow will be January 1st 2012 :D. I guess everybody will celebrate new year tonight with family, friends, or maybe their girl and their boy (just for a couple) by cooking, BBQ, have a great dinner at restaurant, watching tv, shopping (maybe) and etc (here i don't know what else guys -_-). To me 2011 has lots of memories, lots of story that happened on me since this year, I gotta share it here, (and i'm better playing mocca song "and i remeber all about this year" sorry to mocca i change some liric after " I remeber" hehehehhe peace, love, and gaul)

Friday, December 16, 2011

Because a clothes!

sometimes kalo berbelanja di mall itu kudu bawa uang berlebih nggak bisa ngepas, mengapa? simple aja, di mall itu banyak setan yang berjualan barang mulai dari yang super unyu, unyu, simple, elegant, feminim, rock star, makanan, minuman, sampe kebutuhan mandi. 

dan yah bukan hal yang tabu lagi kalo mall itu memang peradaban setan uang, mengapa? simple aja, karena di mall itu mau ini bayar, mau itu bayar, mau ini mau itu bayar, mau pipis bayar, bahkan buat sekedar bercermin untuk merapikan penampilan BAYAR!!!! uang, uang, uang, dan uang.

Friday, December 9, 2011

A Reality on Fight corupption day

haiiii... today is DEC 9th 2011. who knows what big day happened? if you always read newspaper and always watch news maybe you will know it. okey hari ini itu adalah hari Anti Korupsi sedunia. nah kalo mendengar dari Huge namenya merinding gimana gitu... tapi apa sih yang terjadi di masing2 negara dalam memperingati hari antikorupsi sedunia ini? well i have a story about this, but i'm not sure this is the best thing to do in fight corruption day. well here they are :

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The flashback happened at Pete-Pete about 2 years ago. 1st crazy happened.

Guys i took this story of my old blog. because i was forgot the password so i made a new one. this is the link of my old blog if you wanna check it for sure and see or read (maybe) the other happened I called the other crazy happened on me, hahahahhaa

 As with the title this is the flashback of 1st crazy happened on me at Pete2 about 2 years ago. so I'm just waiting your comment about this crazy happened part 1 and 2. here this story :

2nd crazy happened on Pete-Pete

this is the 2nd times i got a crazy happened on me at pete-pete. oh gosh why always me get it?
this is the story check it out:

Tadi sore sepulang rapat BEM, gue balik ke rumah seperti biasanya by angkot alias pete-pete. Gue balik sama temen kampus gue namanya Ningsi dan ya ampun nggak pernah ke bayang bakal kayak gini jadinya. ih amit2 dah. diatas angkot gue ngerumpilah dengan temen-temen banyak hal, saking asyiknya sampe ketawa nggak jelas juga hahahhahha hehehehhe hohohohoho