Monday, January 28, 2013

Hello Quinta been so Fool

Well, Hello World how are you doing ? hope all is fine !

Yeah judul kali ini adalah Fool ! mengapa ? ya mengapa ? karena Quinta memang so fool hahahahhaha. thats happened on January, 9th. well saat itu saya sama temans Achid Nilam dan Nita ceritanya nih mau ke kantor pos ngirim surat. Nita mau ngirim surat ke NZ sedangkan diriku mau ngirim surat ke Poland. well well sampailah kami di Kantor Pos besar Makassar. Lalu dengan sigap Nita markir mobilnya tepat disamping mobil Xenia Hitam. Well, merasa sudah oke kami pun beranjak masuk ke dalam Kantor Pos. 

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Hello my lapis monde ! bonjour hahahahha the first post in 2013. well will be back beibh no need worry i really miss u ahahaha (rofl).

Well, today i give the title "Gowes" because i've been bicycling today with my lovely cousin named Putri. we had so much fun but for sure too much challenge everyway ahahahahahha. Well, this is the story (sorry I use Indonesian for sure to tell because i wanna tell something absurd and embrashed) aahahahahha :

Sorean gue ke rumahnya nenek ngajakin sepupu tersayang buat nemenin gowes ke rumah teman, this is my first time for bicycling and the rute was so far so i need a friend to company for sure. Lalu saat kami mau berangkat huge rain came. oh what a tiiittt tiiittt tiiitt. Ya, dengan sangat terpaksa kami menunda selama 15 minutes. Well 15 menit kemudian, hujannya belum juga reda yo wes tak tungguin reda ya hujan. Finally 5 minutes after it, hujan berhenti dan kami pun memulai started gowes hehehhe.