Wednesday, September 19, 2012


well, i dont know why i wrote the title like that, but seriously i just wanna share something in my heart that really beats me. something stupid maybe. but sure It's just bothering me lately. I dont know when I realized about this. and it's so fucked to realized it. and this is for you. who makes me fool like this -__________-

Monday, September 3, 2012

Holiday in Bandung Part 2

Well, this is the 2nd part of my holiday stories in Bandung.

After arrived in hotel, we took some rest then went to restaurant to have dinner but our driver would opened fasting coz he was fasting at the time. We went to Laboga and ordered everything dish what we liked.  when we were waiting our order my grandma asked to mom "oh this people all over here are Dion's friends ?" we laughed to out loud when we heard that whats ??? this is restaurant grandma everyone could come and have a dinner in here LOL.